brushless shaving cream

brushless shaving cream
крем для бритья с нанесением без помазка
крем для бритья, наносимый без помазка

English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "brushless shaving cream" в других словарях:

  • brushless — [brush′lis] adj. not using or requiring a brush or brushes [a brushless car wash, brushless shaving cream] …   English World dictionary

  • brushless — brushless1 brushlessness, n. /brush lis/, adj. requiring no brush to use or apply: brushless shaving cream. [1930 35; BRUSH1 + LESS] brushless2 brushlessness, n. /brush lis/, adj. clear or cleared of brush: a brushless plain. [1830 40; BRUSH2 +… …   Universalium

  • Burma-Shave — famous for its advertising gimmick of posting humorous rhyming poems on small, consecutive highway billboard signs. TOC Burma Shave was introduced in 1925 by the Burma Vita company, owned by Clinton Odell. The company s original product was a… …   Wikipedia

  • Harlaxton Manor — is a mansion in Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, England. It was built 1837 by Sir Gregory Gregory. The manor is currently the home of the University of Evansville s British campus. The house combines Jacobean and Elizabethan architecture with… …   Wikipedia

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